Linux Guide 📓


Last updated: 2024, Mon Jun 3rd at 13:48 CDT

Btop is a terminal based system resource manager/monitor.


To Install: #

Preferred method

It is best to install though your package manager in most cases.

sudo pacman -S btop

AUR: btop-git

sudo apt install btop
sudo dnf install btop
sudo zypper in btop

Build Instructions #


There are multiple configurations and hardware dependencies, it is best to refer to the compilation guides.

Essentials #

For configuration and setting themes, you can either use the UI options or edit the btop.conf. If you need a default or the original you can find one in the official document. Btop uses the same theme files as bpytop and bashtop, User created themes are supported, there is a list of themes for some examples.