Last updated: 2024, Mon Jun 3rd at 13:54 CDT
Vivaldi is a highly customizable chromium browser. Vivaldi has modding capabilities through its browser.html
To Install: #
Preferred method
Its best to download and install in most case, or add the repositories to your package manager.
sudo pacman -S vivaldi
From inside the directory where the package was downloaded into, run:
sudo apt-get -y install ./vivaldi*.deb
From inside the directory where the package was downloaded into, run:
sudo dnf --nogpgcheck -y install ./vivaldi*.rpm
From inside the directory where the package was downloaded into, run:
sudo zypper --no-gpg-checks --non-interactive install ./vivaldi*.rpm
Build Instructions #
Manually adding the repo was the official way, before the new download and install method. It still works, and maybe useful if you have no browser to start with.
wget -qO- | gpg --dearmor | sudo dd of=/usr/share/keyrings/vivaldi-browser.gpg
echo "deb [signed-by=/usr/share/keyrings/vivaldi-browser.gpg arch=$(dpkg --print-architecture)] stable main" | sudo dd of=/etc/apt/sources.list.d/vivaldi-archive.list
sudo apt update
sudo apt install vivaldi-stable
sudo dnf config-manager --add-repo
sudo dnf install vivaldi-stable
sudo zypper ar
sudo zypper in vivaldi-stable
Additional install options
A flatpak is available, additionally if needed for as different distro there is a Install script too.
Essentials #
There are a lot of settings in Vivaldi, and many ways to get to them. For basic settings there is the ó°¢» in the Vivaldi menu top right or in the panel, Ctrl + F12, or inputting vivaldi://settings
in the address bar. Experimental settings can be accessed by entering vivaldi://flags
in the address bar. The last major settings page is Experimental features, go to vivaldi://experiments
To enable Wayland support you need to set vivaldi://flags/#ozone-platform-hint
to Auto
. If you are having issues even launching Vivaldi you can run a terminal or the CLI command
vivaldi --enable-features=UseOzonePlatform --ozone-platform=wayland
Another setting that may need to be adjusted or added is dark-mode, by default it should be set by your theme. If it is not set or you want to change it, this can be set under Settings > Appearance > Website Appearance, if you need a more aggressive dark mode you can go to vivaldi://flags/#enable-force-dark
. If you need to run these or other
Command Line Switches you can either run them from terminal if you only need them temporally or you can edit the vivaldi-stable.desktop normally located in you ~/.local/share/applications/
. In this file you should have 3 Exec=/usr/bin/vivaldi-stable
lines. Place the switch(argument) at the end of the line
Exec=/usr/bin/vivaldi-stable %U
Exec=/usr/bin/vivaldi-stable %U --force-dark-mode
Extras #
To allow custom CSS theming/modifications, it has to enabled in Experimental Features
Some helpful information, Shift + Esc opens Vivaldi’s own Task Manager. The Quick Command prompt is opened with F2. Vivaldi help is F1 and the Keyboard Cheat Sheet is Ctrl+F1. If you are interested in or need to adjust the CSS, you can find the the current style by inputting the address vivaldi://inspect/#apps
and inspect the Vivaldi window.html.