Linux Guide 📓

Helpers and Repos

Last updated: 2024, Mon Jun 3rd at 13:43 CDT

These helper programs and user/alternative repositories, help to allow users to build and install additional programs. Most of the time these have newer or alternative versions of programs that are not in the main repos or programs not offered in the base/official repos.

Yay #

Pacman wrapper and AUR helper written in go


To Install: #

sudo pacman -S --needed git base-devel
git clone
cd yay-bin
makepkg -si

AUR: yay

Essentials #

On the initial install of yay you should run yay -Y --gendb to generate a development package database for git packages. Other basic commands

yayAlias to yay -Syu.
yay <Search Term>Present package-installation selection menu.
yay -Bi <dir>Install dependencies and build a local PKGBUILD.
yay -G <AUR Package>Download PKGBUILD from ABS or AUR. (yay v12.0+)
yay -Gp <AUR Package>Print to stdout PKGBUILD from ABS or AUR.
yay -PsPrint system statistics.
yay -Syu --develPerform system upgrade, but also check for development package updates.
yay -Syu --timeupdatePerform system upgrade and use PKGBUILD modification time (not version number) to determine update.
yay -Wu <AUR Package>Unvote for package (Requires setting AUR_USERNAME and AUR_PASSWORD environment variables) (yay v11.3+)
yay -Wv <AUR Package>Vote for package (Requires setting AUR_USERNAME and AUR_PASSWORD environment variables). (yay v11.3+)
yay -Y --combinedupgrade --saveMake combined upgrade the default mode.
yay -YcClean unneeded dependencies.

Paru #

Feature packed AUR helper


To Install: #

sudo pacman -S --needed base-devel
git clone
cd paru
makepkg -si

AUR: paru

Essentials #

On the initial install of paru you should run paru --gendb to generate a development package database for git packages. Other basic commands

paruAlias to paru -Syu.
paru <target>Interactively search and install <target>.
paru -Bi .Build and install a PKGBUILD in the current directory.
paru -G <target>Download the PKGBUILD and related files of <target>.
paru -Gp <target>Print the PKGBUILD of <target>.
paru -Gc <target>Print the AUR comments of <target>.
paru -QuaPrint available AUR updates.
paru -SuaUpgrade AUR packages.

Copr #

Copr is a community based automatic build system and repository

Official Site

To Install: #

Preferred method

In order to use copr you need to have yum or dnf installed, or install the repo directly.

sudo dnf install dnf-plugins-core
sudo dnf copr enable <target repo>
sudo dnf install <target>
sudo wget<targeted .repo> -O /etc/zypp/repos.d/<target .repo>
sudo zypper ref
sudo zypper install <target>

Essentials #

It is important to check for build compatibility, rpm packages should be installed for the related active releases otherwise the package can break.

Terra #

Terra is a third party monorepo for Fedora

Official Site GitHub

To Install: #

sudo dnf config-manager --add-repo
sudo dnf install terra-release


sudo dnf install --repofrompath 'terra,$releasever' --setopt='terra.gpgkey=$releasever/key.asc' terra-release


Open Build Service is a generic system to build and distribute binary packages from source. It can compile packages for a multiple Linux distros  including openSUSE, Red Hat Enterprise Linux, Mandriva, Ubuntu, Fedora, Debian, and Arch.

Official Site Build Services Software Search

To Install: #

Preferred method

In openSUSE you can use opi to search and install programs. For other distros you can use the Expert Download or Download Package to get instruction to Add repository and install manually.

sudo zypper in opi

Pacstall #

Pacstall is a community repository similar to the AUR, but for Debian based distros like Ubuntu.

Official Site GitHub

To Install: #

sudo bash -c "$(curl -fsSL"

Essentials #

basic commands

pacstall -I <target>Install <target>.
pacstall -R <target>Remove <target>.
pacstall -S <target>Search for <target>.
pacstall -A <repo>Adding a Repository.
pacstall -UUpdate Pacstall.
pacstall -UpUpdate Packages.
pacstall -hHelp