Linux Guide 📓

File Converters

Last updated: 2024, Mon Jun 3rd at 13:43 CDT

A file converters are tools that are versatile and can convert files between different formats. Specific file formats can be supported by different devices and software using them. Converting a video into a widely supported format, for example, ensures its playability on various devices if it’s in an uncommon format. Moreover, there are cases where it is necessary to edit or compress files. By converting a large file to a smaller format without sacrificing quality, it can save storage space and make sharing easier.

ffmpeg #

FFmpeg is a robust multimedia framework that has the ability to decode, encode, transcode, mux, demux, stream, filter, and play a vast array of audio and video formats. This open-source project is capable of supporting both ancient and obscure formats as well as cutting-edge ones. It is capable of converting media files, manipulating audio and video streams, and performing other multimedia tasks with ease.

Official Site Git

To Install: #

sudo pacman -S ffmpeg

AUR: ffmpeg-git, ffmpeg-full

sudo apt install ffmpeg
sudo dnf install ffmpeg
sudo zypper in ffmpeg

Essentials #

Documentation is extensive, it is best to look up what you need ffmpeg to do. If you are going to use a set of options/commands it would be best to create a shell function that is easier to remember. For example, to add custom cover art and strip back some of the metadata:

ffmpeg -i input.Name.mp3 -i custom.Cover.jpg -c:a copy -c:v copy -map 0 -map 1 -metadata comment= -metadata synopsis= -metadata description= -metadata purl= -metadata:s:v title="Album cover" -metadata:s:v comment="Cover (front)" output.Name.mp3

This command could be put into an alias or better a function, song-cover.

pandoc #

Pandoc is a universal document converter, it supports many formats with many of them being able to convert from and to. On the official sites main page you can find a complete list.

Official Site GitHub

To Install: #

Preferred method

In most case the package manager should work, if your needs requires a newer release then consult installation directions.

sudo pacman -S pandoc
sudo apt install pandoc
sudo dnf install pandoc
sudo zypper in pandoc

Essentials #

You can find helpful guides, documentation, and tutorials, on pandoc’s wiki and official site. Demos and examples of pandoc can be found on the official Demo page

ImageMagick #

ImageMagick, a free and open-source software suite, is used to edit and manipulate digital images. A vast array of capabilities are available, including the creation, editing, composition, and conversion of bitmap images. It is commonly utilized in web development, graphic design, scientific research, medical imaging, and astronomy. It is possible to use its command-line interface to complete complex image processing tasks or integrate its features into software applications.

Official Site GitHub

To Install: #

sudo pacman -S imagemagick

AUR: imagemagick-full-git

sudo apt install imagemagick
sudo dnf install imagemagick
sudo zypper in imagemagick

Essentials #

Over 200 image file formats can be supported by ImageMagick, which includes popular formats like TIFF, JPEG, PNG, PDF, PhotoCD, and GIF. There are many features and scripts, as well as command line tools, that can assist you in adjusting images as you require. If you need more assistance, check out the Command Line Processing section and examples of ImageMagick usage.